Prompting People To Do Good And To Be Obedient To His Word
Promote the repentance and salvation of as many unsaved souls as possible
Promote saving the lives of as many innocent people as possible
Promote feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and sheltering the homeless
Encourage the poor, the downtrodden, and the outcasts to seek God
Visit the orphans and widows, helping them overcome their distresses
Visit the sick and the lame, pray for and promote their healing
Visit those imprisoned, provide Bibles
Promote the REAL teachings of the Bible, and show it's truth over opposing religious teachings
Print and distribute as many Bibles, Christian literature and materials as possible
Encourage parents to lovingly discipline their children, while there is still time for it to be effective
Get people to abandon trivial things that keep them from seeking God and His Word
Promote government that Honors God and freedom of speech & peaceful congregating
Oppose adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pedophilia, and any other sexually perverse behaviors
Oppose abortion and infanticide
Oppose racism, violence, rape, theft, covetousness & greed
Oppose lying, cheating, deceit & fraud
Oppose drunkenness and drug abuse
Oppose big, powerful centralized government - promote smaller government accountable to the well being of all people
Oppose belief in Darwinian evolution; get people's attention on the actual scientific evidence, which shows Darwinism to be false
Create clarity in the minds of people about what and how a true Christian believes and behaves
People are never on guard against a threat they don't believe in!
"Sanctify them in the truth:
Thy Word is truth."
Jesus Christ - John 17:17
Believe, Admit, Repent,
Hebrews 11:6 Romans 10:9
Acts 3:19 John 1:12
Don't Die Guilty!