Effectual Fervent Prayer...
Prayer is both an incredible privilege and an awesome responsibility.
It can move the hand of God in situations where there is no other hope.
Elijah prayed down fire from heaven. His prayers held back rain from Israel in judgement, and returned them - refreshing the land again.
James 5:16 "...pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.".
Daniel was a high government official under 3 of the most powerful rulers of his day - yet even with all that responsibility he made time to pray 3 times a day.
Jesus, the Son of God, is the Master of prayer. When His disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He gave them the model Lord's Prayer.
Yet He also taught: "...when you pray, do not use meaningless repetitions like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words." Matthew 6:7
Rather, the Lord's Prayer was given as a pattern for us to apply to our prayer life, showing us what to concentrate on.
We are to:
Exalt the Father, urge His Kingdom to come soon
Ask His will to be done, ask for our daily necessities
Ask for forgiveness (and be sure we are forgiving others!)
Ask for protection from the devil and temptations
Give God glory and honor, and praise Him and make our other requests known
We are to always end our prayers in the Name of Jesus John 14:13-14.
Prayers should be offered daily - "Pray without ceasing." 1Thessalonians 5:17
Even though our hearts many times grow cold and unmotivated - go into the presence of your Father. He is not burdened by our prayers. If they are offered in Spirit and in Truth, they are a joy to Him. He loves you!
Satan and his forces will relentlessly attack your prayer life. They know how powerful it is!
They will incite thoughts of sin, profanity and obscenity in your mind while you are in prayer, to discourage you and create false guilt.
Whenever this occurs, demand in the Name of Jesus Christ that they leave you. Matthew 12:28-29.
Remember, there are 3 basic answers to prayer:
YES - God grants your request immediately;
WAIT - God will grant the request, but will delay until His perfect time (possibly years!);
and NO - the request is something God cannot and will not grant. One day we will know why.
Often we simply do not know what to pray for. In these cases, God will lead us -
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings that words cannot express." Romans 8:26
You can KNOW you are praying the will of God when you pray for the lost to be saved.
"...He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
Jesus also said that we are to pray for those who despise and use us, asking God rather to bless and help those who are our enemies, that they may know Him. Matthew 5:44.
We should pray that our faith be strengthened, and that it not fail when tested. Luke 22:32.
God is always pleased when we ask His will, and seek His wisdom and understanding.
Solomon unselfishly prayed for this, and God was pleased to give him much more than he even asked for
1 Kings 3:9-13.
God does not grant every prayer uttered. There are some conditions on our prayers being heard:
"And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight." I John 3:22
"And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." I John 5:14
Prayer should be honest, straightforward and simple -- without pretense or false motivation.
It does not require using big words or lofty phrases, just respect and sincerity of heart.
Through prayer, we are ushered into the Presence of God, and given an audience with the Creator of the Universe.
Let us "come boldly before the throne of grace..." (Hebrews 4:16), yet humbly mindful of to Whom we speak! Ecclesiastes 5:2
Excerpted from "The Next Step" by JTC Publishing
Believe, Admit, Repent, Receive JESUS CHRIST!
Hebrews 11:6 Romans 10:9 Acts 3:19 John 1:12
Don't Die Guilty!